Welcome to The Pitak Project

We sow seeds to blossom into flowers of change and regeneration.
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Who We Are

We are Cye and Carol, life partners since 1996. We are women activists, educators, and mentors to farmers. We practice and promote sustainable and regenerative living.

Our exposure to economic and social injustice bounded us to choose a path that can show that it’s possible to care for the people, the earth and share its bounties without exploitation.

Learn more about us.

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The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.

We Need Your Support

Your donation will help us promote regenerative farming and empower communities to live in harmony with the natural environment. Together, let us create a better future for our communities and the planet. Donate now and make a difference.

Angel Aquino for The Pitak Project

Click to play the video.

Our dear friend Angel Aquino helps us boost and revive our crowdfunding campaign. Please help us reach our goal to raise enough funds for a community supported market garden: small-scale and regenerative to build a more resilient food system.